Socially Responsible Investing
& Inspired Financial Planning

Ready to take action?

You know you want to grow your money, protect your money, and feel confident that you are making smart choices

I can help you do those things in a way that is consistent, congruent and in integrity with who you are.

Perhaps you have a pile of cash sitting around from a bonus or inheritance, and you don’t know what you want to do with it. You’re afraid of messing up—of spending it or losing it in the stock market or any number of equally scary possibilities.

Maybe you’re newly single again. Overwhelming is an understatement when it comes to all the hoops and paperwork involved in shifting control of your money from “we” to “me”—not to mention making sure it’s doing a good job for you.
Maybe you’re approaching a big change—starting a new business, buying a new home, moving overseas—and want to make sure you’re financially ready.

Maybe you’re just ready for a better relationship with your money—you’re ready to elevate how you interact with your money and feel more confident and empowered.

You’ve been trying to do the right thing, and-you’re not sure if the actions you are taking will get you where you want to go. Are you invested the right way? What else could you be doing? You’d like some guidance.

I use a variety of resources to tailor smart financial solutions for my clients. however my process mostly fits within two areas: Socially Responsible Investing and Inspired Financial Planning.  If you want personalized service from someone who can crunch the numbers and provide a ready space for your dreams, use the link below to setup your introductory consultation.

Investing in yourself and a more positive future

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) is a strategy for generating financial gains for the investor and driving social change. Demand for SRI options is rapidly growing and the great news is that voting with your wallet doesn’t equal sacrificing your financial stability. According to a report issued by Morgan Stanley analyzing fund performance from 2004-2018 there were, “no differences in the performance of sustainable funds when compared to their traditional peers and sustainable funds may offer lower market risk.”

What does social responsibility mean to you?

Different people care about different things. When you and I start working on your investment strategy, the first thing we’ll do is define what matters to you and establish your goals. Then, with solid industry research, facts, and a careful eye on market conditions, we’ll build an investment portfolio that aligns with your values, your goals, and your tolerance for risk.

A stronger future starts now

Who needs Inspired Financial Planning?
Inspired Financial planning is more than creating a budget. It’s an intentional action plan you get to design to clarify what you have, where you want your money to go, and what purpose you want it to serve. Your Inspired Financial Plan will put you firmly in charge of your money and your life.
With your Inspired Financial Plan, you’ll:
  • Know exactly where you stand in relationship to your goals
  • Have a clear, step-by-step doable plan to reach your goals
  • Feel confident in your decisions about money
  • Be able to leverage the power of your money to impact the issues you care about
  • Build toward a more positive future

Money mindfulness

Cultivating mindfulness around your money is incredibly empowering. 
People often avoid financial planning because it feels restrictive, or they’re afraid of what they’ll find if they really look at the state of their finances. However, building mindfulness around where your money goes and what you’re getting from it in return has the power to totally transform your relationship with money. 
Clients who go through my Inspired Financial Planning process typically experience a huge sense of freedom and relief. You may discover you’re better off than you thought—and if not, you’ll have a clear plan of action to get you where you want to go. Either way, instead of just spending, you’ll be moving forward spending by design—voting with your dollars as an expression of what matters to you.

Full List of Services


Cash Flow for
Spending Plan

Life Insurance



Long Term
Care Analysis
& Planning

Income Projections

Social Security



Estate & Legacy

401(k) Solutions

A Stronger Future Starts Now