COP26: 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference

Climate Change Conference

These past weeks have seen the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, take place in Glasgow, Scotland. Originally planned for 2020, it is the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference. The COP26 event is a global united Nations summit about climate change and how countries are planning to tackle it. 


Key numbers

  • More than 100 leaders, including the United States, will commit to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030.  According to one article reporting on COP26, forests, the lungs of our planet, absorb around one-third of the global CO2 released from burning fossil fuels every year.
  • As many as 104 countries have promised to cut their methane emissions by at least 30 per cent by 2030.
  • According to nonprofit Global Witness, there are 503 delegates representing the fossil fuel industry. If this was a country delegation, it would be the largest. Let’s hope their presence at the table is equaled by their commitment to the goal of reduced emissions.

Some environmental organizations are skeptical that countries will be able to keep to their commitments and there is also concern about the wide variance in the quality and measurement of those commitments.

Did you know?

The 21st COP (Conference of the Parties) was held in Paris in 2015. This is where 196 countries adopted what is now the historic Paris Agreement to reduce global warming and build resilience to climate change. Its overall goal was to limit global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.  

Fossil Fuel Free?

One common focal point for a sustainable portfolio, is reduced or eliminated exposure to fossil fuel industries and a reduced carbon footprint. If you are not sure whether you are investing in a sustainable way, give me a call or click here to setup a complimentary consult.


For more reading visit these source links:

Over 100 leaders make landmark pledge to end deforestation at COP26 – GOV.UK (

CoP26: 104 countries promise to cut methane emissions; What is the global pledge about? (

Net-zero pledges grow; ambition falls short | United Nations

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© Meredith D Sims 2021. Prepared by Heart Strong Wealth Planning.