Earth Day 2024

Earth Day 2024

Favorite Earth Day quote:


“Today is Earth Day, which like Mother’s Day, shouldn’t be a day at all, more like an all-year-round celebration.” ~ Seth Godin.


I’ve just started reading The Carbon Almanac ( and in the section on myths, was struck by this surprising statistic.

“Myth 6 Recycling plastic helps address climate change.”

“Only 9 percent of plastic is recycled, leaving the rest to be incinerated or to accumulate in landfills and oceans.”

“When plastic or other disposed containers are burned, more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are released.”

This statistic underscores the urgent need for the reduction in plastic use and in particular single-use plastics. It’s a wake-up call to the reality of our environmental challenges.

One of the reasons I became interested in sustainable or values-based investing is because it allows us to purposefully support companies that proactively address environmental concerns while avoiding those that don’t. For example, investing in companies that are working to reduce their plastic packaging and are willing to be transparent about their current plastic use. While it’s not the sole solution, it’s a meaningful part of the answer, especially for those who want their money to be directed in a way that reflects their values.

You can find information on’s end plastics campaign here:

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Prepared by Heart Strong Wealth Planning Copyright 2024.